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Biblical Higher Education

Personal Discipleship
Discipleship is the primary emphasis of Montana Bible College. All our classes are taught with this perspective in mind. We want our graduates to say with humility as the apostle Paul did, “follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). We believe it is critical that students learn the skills in knowing how to disciple others and cultivate a heart to be discipled themselves. All students seeking a degree from MBC will be trained to engage their lives in the training of others who can then train others (2 Timothy 2:2).
A Life of Academic Excellence
While not detracting from the importance of rigor in study and mastering information, we nevertheless maintain that the heart of academic excellence in Christian higher education is life transformation and Kingdom impact. “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5). Students are expected to apply all diligence in their studies, while recognizing that knowledge alone puffs up and therefore must always be accompanied by spiritual vitality and service.
Focus on the "How" of Bible Study
Our focus is to teach students how to study God’s Word. To that end we introduce the tools of Bible study, instruct in the use of those tools, and offer supervised, hands-on experience. Bible exposition classes incorporate class sessions, individual assignments and personal study of the Scriptures.
Regional Relevance
Recognizing that the region surrounding Montana Bible College is made up of small towns with a few small cities and that the majority of churches worldwide consist of fewer than 200 people, we intentionally cultivate cultural understanding and ministry practices relevant for our context.
Faith Meets Culture
Recognizing that we live in a post-Christian culture that is increasingly hostile to the message of Christ, MBC trains students to be effective witnesses for Christ in the midst of the culture, living in the world but not being of the world, engaging the people and culture as ambassadors of the King.
Local Church Involvement
We believe every student must have a vital connection to a church “home” during their time with us. This is why we require our students to be involved in a local church. A Bible college which concentrates on such integration is rendering a service to the Body of Christ and to its students. We serve the Church by training the next generation of lay and vocational leaders, and they assist us by providing opportunities for our students to grow, be mentored and utilize what they are learning to build up the Body of Christ. There are great bible-teaching and gospel-centered churches in Billings.
No Debt for the College & its Students
Montana Bible College has chosen to be debt-free as an institution. We believe this is a matter of faithful stewardship and a God-honoring witness. We also want our students to graduate without the hindrances of college loans to pay off. Therefore, we have a "pay as you go" policy.

Announcement 2023
What is it?
Montana Bible College believes that discipleship is an intentional directed relationship leading to maturity in Christ. Discipleship is intentional because it seeks to meet individuals where they are and purposely stimulate them to move beyond (Mark 10:21, Luke 5:27-28, John 4:7-26). It is directed because it has a goal: to make mature followers of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20; Colossians 1:28-29). Discipleship is relational in that it is always done person to person. The command to make disciples is given to people for people (Matthew 28:18-20). Good discipleship needs all three components: intention, direction, and relationship. Direction without intentional relationship is a program approach to discipleship that says, “Read this book. Take this class. Memorize these verses. Conversely, relationship without intentional direction results in a discipleship process that says, “Let’s just hang out together. Let’s meet over coffee to talk. Let’s encourage one another.” Montana Bible College believes that discipleship is a life-on-life relational process with direction and intention; an approach Jesus and the apostles modeled for us.
How do we do it?
But how does Montana Bible College translate directed relationship to actual practice? What actually happens? What does a student here experience? Most people immediately equate going to Bible college with taking academic classes. MBC certainly believes in academic coursework. Classroom instruction provides a major component of the directional aspect of discipleship at MBC. But academics is not the whole picture. Relationship is necessary too! This is why MBC makes sure every student is connected in a relationship with a more mature believer who understands what discipleship is, ideally from his/her local church. Mature disciplers get involved in the lives of their disciples to lead them by example, to encourage, exhort and admonish, and to walk with them through the trials and triumphs of life – all of this and more to present each one mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29). Direction and relationship come together at MBC. Students begin to learn about discipleship by participating in the process! Montana Bible College intends to create a movement of multiplication by raising up disciple-makers who will fulfill the Great Commission the way Paul expressed in 2 Timothy 2:2: "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
Academic Accreditation
Montana Bible College is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) to grant certificates and degrees at the One-Year and Baccalaureate levels.

Montana Bible College was accredited by ECFA in 2012 (to current) and is authorized to use the ECFA logo in its publications.
The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability®, founded in 1979, is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public’s trust through adherence to Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, which focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.
Christian nonprofit organizations wishing to be accredited by the ECFA must undergo a rigorous review of their financial practices and policies, as well as their yearly financial audits by independent organizations. They must faithfully demonstrate continued compliance with the Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship. Members include Christian ministries, denominations, churches, educational institutions and other tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. ECFA accreditation entitles a ministry to use the ECFA seal and receive other accreditation benefits.